In most cases I've found that a persons thoughts eventually become their actions and therefore as Children of God we need mind changing experiences every now and then. Once we receive our mind change then we can begin to adjust our thoughts to line up with the mind of Christ.
This is the first of many studies as well as testimonies and devotions, I pray that through the lessons you're encouraged, inspired and strengthened to take the necessary means of having a "Mind Changing Experience".
Change - means to make or become different, to alter, to give a different position or direction, to replace with another.
Mind - intellect, divine and human, thought, feelings, will and understanding.
Philippians 2:5 says, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: - As children of God we must have the mind of Christ and bear a resemblance of His life if we are to have the benefit of Hid death for without it we are none of His. Once we come to realize that we're not our own then we'll be able to comprehend the mind of Christ. I love the saying, "What Would Jesus Do?" While we'll probably never ask this question every time we're dealing with issues, it's one that really need to be pondered upon. The mind of Christ says, "to love your enemies", where our mind might say, "and eye for an eye, vengeance is mine!". When we're being broken for greatness, we're so easily knocked off task or off track, when a person is going through difficult times it's easier to result to our way of thinking then to Christ's way of thinking. Instead of throwing the saying, "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?" out there, lets actually put it to action. In order to have the mind of Christ, we must know exactly what He would indeed do.
Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee". - I just want to dwell on the first part of this verse, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he", What and how we think in our heart is crucial to our growth in God. We become what we think, rather than what we speak. We can speak it all day long but if it has not been thought in the heart our speaking is in vain. The word of God says that the tongue is a little member and cant be tamed but it never said that the mind cant be tamed - I mention this because we can speak life or positivity in our lives all day long but if we don't believe it, it's all in vain. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with speaking the Word but if the Word is not in the mind/spirit and then taken to the heart, it cant come alive in your life. Why? Because any seed of doubt will cause us not to believe what we're saying, we doubt that we are indeed called by God or can and will be all that God has said we can be.
Roman 12:2 says, "And be not conformed (or fashioned alike) to this world: but be ye transformed (or CHANGED, transfigured, metamorphosed) by the renewing (or renovation) of your mind, that ye may prove (or discern, allow, try) what is that good (or benefit), and acceptable (or fully agreeable, well pleasing) and perfect (or complete, growth), and will (or pleasure, desire) of God.
a) Good - Good in itself and good for us
b) Acceptable - Pleasing to God, favor is obtained by accepting and conforming to the will of God.
c) Perfect - Nothing can be added
There must be a saving change wrought in us, conversion and sanctification are the renewing of the mind. There must be a change in the qualities of our soul, we must think new as our mind is renewed. Stop conforming to what others think about you, if you call a person silly long enough they actually become that, why? Because they begin to think it of themselves, they conform or fashion their lifestyle to what others think. Don't conform your life to the lifestyle of what others think but rather be transformed to what God has said and ordained for you. We must become new in all things and this can only happen through conversion and sanctification.
We need:
a) New Dispositions
b) New Inclinations
c) New Sympathies
d) New Antipathies
e) Our Understanding Enlightened
f) Our Conscience Softened
g) Our Thoughts rectified
h)Our will bowed to the Will and Purpose of God
i) Our affections must be made spiritual and heavenly
j) New Principles
K) New Rules
l) New designs
Conclusion: We must get with the program that God has so delicately orchestrated for our lives and it cant be done with our way of thinking. We cant control God and the earth cant hold Him, therefore we're either for Him or against Him and with our old mind we are none of His. Are you ready to change your mind? Are you ready to put on the mind of Christ? If so, repent from where you have fell and do your first work over. Talk to your Heavenly Father and let Him know that you're ready for all that He has for you. It's time to get rid of the "MIND GAMES!"
Reference Scriptures: Romans 7:23-25; Romans 8:5; Romans 8:7; Ephesians 4:20-23; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 4:8; Romans 12:3.
copyright 2007 - Melissa Sutton, all rights reserved - no content may be used without the permission of author.