Tuesday, March 30, 2010


(From the Book: Come Away My Beloved ~ Frances J. Roberts)

O My child, I have chosen thee unto Myself, that I may make of thee an instrument of praise in My hand. I shall bring forth from thee a melody of praise and rejoicing, and cause the harp strings of thy soul to vibrate with a joyful song.

Bless Me with thy lips, and whisper My Name in adoration. I will free thee from the prison house, and thou shalt exalt thy God in liberty of spirit.

How hast thou said, "I am insignificant and unworthy?" Lo, ye are precious to Me, saith the Lord, yea, even as the apple of Mine eye.

Turn not back in unbelief, but press onward and upward until the darkness is left behind, and ye shall come out into the light. Ye shall see Me then face to face, and know Me as a man knoweth his dearest friend.

Bring Me all that puzzles thee. Many questions need no answer, for when the heart is at one with the Father, there comes an illumination of Spirit which transcends thought. Understanding becomes a state of heart rather than an achievement of the mind.

Learn to worship, and thou shalt have rest of soul; yea, ye shall rise to a new place of fellowship, where ye shall be as the writer of the letter to the Ephesians said: "seated with Christ in the heavenlies."

Ye shall be taught of the Spirit; yea, He shall open to thee the mysteries of the Word; for it was by the Spirit of God that the Scriptures were given to holy men of old; even so, by the Spirit shall the treasures of the Word be revealed to thee.

In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength (Isaiah 30:15)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Delight in Devotions

(Taken from: Bread from My Oven by: Majorie Parker)

Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighning. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectations ~ Psalm 5:1-3

How difficult it is in the early part of the day to sneak away from the family, the telephone, and the household duties, find a quiet place, and take in some food for the soul!

Have there been days when there was not even time for that piece of toast and cup of coffee in the early morning, and as the day wore on you found yourself becoming weak physically? Yet how foolish we are to thing that our spiritual life can be nourished and grow strong without the necessary food for the soul, and that on a day-to-day, meal-by-meal basis. One can lean all day on a certain verse or passage of Scripture read during the early morning hours.

Much can be learned from the practice of George Muller, the man of faith who lived in nineteenth century England. In reciting the pattern of his devotions, he said, "The first thing to be concerned about was hot how much I might serve the Lord; but how I might get my soul into a happy state, and how my inner man might be nourished."

Devotions at the outset of the day can be a real delight. Meditate on the Word of God and obtain food for the soul. The seeking soul will find there all that is needed; and the believing and obedient heart will be made happy in the Lord. "O God, thou art my God; early will I see thee" Psalm 63:1